bits and pieces
allo, welcome to my best friend Enrica's blog. :) Im writing her about me for her cuz i find it amusing to do so, hahah. Kay Enrica or as we call her Rique, is a really hyper person. It's always as if shes high on drugs or something. But she isnt, dont worry. :) Shes a nice friend, i've known her for 2 and a half years and before, i used to get annoyed with her at times but now i've gotten used to this babboon. So its all cool ;D Rique is currently, in love. Shes fallen head over heels for this dude and yah shes really happy to have met him, haha. Shes vicious but i luff herrr and i gotta go cuz this flys bugging me :S <3Jenna

unfolding stories
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Show off your rocking tunes.

coming and going

bidding our goodbyes

you have my thanks
Design: doughnutcrazy
Image: heiidii
References: magnette

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
"" - posted by Enrica Halim.L at 9:38 AM
i just got back from my long and exhausting flight around a couple of hours ago. mann... SIA was crazy, they fed me so much! now i have like a bulge on my stomach but going to work out soon :)
anyway, winter break was awesome, i don't think i'll ever forget it. i went to loads of stores because they all had like sales but most of the things i bought was not under the sale section :( so i guess i spent more than my brother. first, we stayed in san francisco, it was all decorated and nice to stay in our hotel. the porters were really annoying cause they kept talking which made me feel so sleepy. then we went to seattle to drop all of my brother's food requests like chocolate chip cookies, pocky, oolong tea and etc. oh... i also vacuumed his whole unit! i am so PROUD of myself! lol. it was my first time doing the house chores so i received some clapping from my bro. anyway, of course after i finished vacuuming, i got my prize which was for him to send me to pacific place to meet elvina :)
our last destination was las vegas then back to san francisco and then singapore. las vegas was amazing, i loved it there. they had lots of nightlife which i cannot wait to see myself living a life like that once i study in the States. las vegas had loads of college and university guys which was entertaining and fergie along with her fiancee, josh duhamel celebrated new year eve in a club called "tao". i wanted to enter but damn... i was still underage :(

"" - posted by Enrica Halim.L at 9:34 AM
HaPpY NeW yEaR ... 09

"" - posted by Enrica Halim.L at 9:28 AM
Well I know its a bit late to write it but whatever...


I spent my winter break in San Francisco along with my brother. It was really fun. I had to admit it but I think I sort of missed fighting with him and all the "arguments" we had before.

Thursday, December 4, 2008
"" - posted by Enrica Halim.L at 9:53 AM
part 1
okay... today is my last day of exams! YAY! i cannot wait to finish and fail chemistry exam soon enough and then hang out with my best friends! apart from izzy... hikz hikz :( i miss her a lot but she is busy so she cannot come whenever I ask her to come.

anyway, I don't even know what are we going later!?! wifeyy and jenny you guys better tell me what our plan is! hehe. i hope we are playing xbox cause it was fun apart from the car game which we all suck at it including gabby. moreover, i cannot wait to see someone! i don't know how i will react but i pray hard so that i will not blush in front of everyone else hehe. otherwise it would suck!

part 2
i finally finished all my exams! a big YAY! lol lol. i am not sure about the results but whatever screw it, all i care is that i am done and there is no more stress! anyway as soon as i was done, i went to the doctor for another check up. damn... i find it very useless cause out of everyone in my family, i am the only one who has to go through a whole lot of doctor check up. sad right?

then i went to meet my peeps! at first i was happy but then i couldn't see them at e-max so i was just standing there like a lonely girl.... doing nothing... except from staring at people playing computer games. soon after i walked around trying to look for them, jenna and shanna came to me! *finally....* but then they said they had to go soon! i was like ughh...... so early??? and what about dinner? but then it turns out that i am still a gullible person cause it was another trick from them! .... i don't get why i am always the one who gets tricked! - -"

we did not know what to do, so we went up to the cinema and see what movies they were showing at cine and then poof.... a movie came across our mind; Hell's Highway. At first, it was not that scary but then as the movie continued, it was scary! shannipoopie.... was scared all the way! hahaha. everytime, the ghost appeared, she would freak out. she would closed her eyes or her ears! jenny was the most brave amongst us! she watched the movie without closing her eyes nor closing her ears! so good woman!!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008
"" - posted by Enrica Halim.L at 12:36 AM
jenny... thank you for the lovely comment and I am sure that was all HONEST & OPTIMISTIC!
anyway I just want to clarify that I do not take drugs nor vicious! For the other part, its all true. so jenny thankyou iloveu.

this is my first time writing a blog since ages ago! i don't know what to write so i guess i will just talk about what has been happening in my life. exams have started which sucks because i have to revise and therefore cannot hang out. i also like someone right now as jenny had mentioned earlier. i never thought i would fall for this guy but i am afraid to tell him that i like him. so i guess i just have to wait until he says it or whenever i have the guts to say it to him.